Building Use Policies

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

  • Animals

    Animals/Pets are not allowed in the building except for certified/official service animals. Other exceptions would include animals for programmatic purposes (e.g. Birds of Prey) provided that they have been pre-approved by CUB Administration and Environmental Health & Safety.

  • Bikes/Scooters/Skateboards/Rollerblades/Etc.

    All bikes, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, and other similar wheeled devices may be walked through the first floor of the CUB. They may not be ridden or stored in the building.

  • Copyright and Public Performance

    Any public performance of any copyrighted material (music, television shows, films, etc) needs to obtain appropriate public performance rights. Personal subscriptions and logins (Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc) are not sufficient rights and are only valid for home use. Owning a physical copy of the work is not sufficient rights, either, and is only licensed for home use. Educational exemptions to copyright are extremely narrow and in general, do not apply to most events or meetings in the CUB.  Proof of performance rights is required to show films, movies, or television shows inside of the CUB.

    Additional information about copyright laws.

  • Donation Boxes

    Donation boxes sponsored by Student Organizations or Departments are permitted provided they are accompanied with a table reservation and are staffed at all times – unstaffed or overnight donation boxes are allowed on a limited bases, please contact CUB Administration for more details.

  • Food Policy

    For WSU Departmental or Non-University Affiliated CUB rentals:

    University Catering is the required caterer for CUB events and meeting spaces. In addition to the menu options listed on the Catering website, University Catering will create custom menus to meet the specific needs of a group.  

    For Registered Student Organizations:

    University Catering is the preferred caterer for CUB events and meeting spaces. In addition to the menu options listed on the Catering website, University Catering will create custom menus to meet the specific needs of each group. University Catering also provides a 20% discount to all RSOs.

    Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year, RSOs have the option to use any food provider for catering in the event venues, with the following exceptions and requirements:

    1. It may not compete with CUB’s third-party Vendors, who have exclusivity agreements (Asian Concept, Pizza, Made to Order Sandwiches, Mexican).
    2. Must be an approved Whitman County Caterer

    If an organization uses an outside caterer who requires the use of the 2nd-floor commercial kitchen, additional rental fees for that space, equipment, and supervision will apply depending on the scope of the event. All food and outside equipment must be delivered and removed within the RSO's event venue reservation times.  

    Student Organizations may purchase or bring their own snacks or light refreshments from outside vendors to a regular organization meeting in CUB meeting rooms.

  • Free Speech Activities

    Free speech activities are subject to the regulations and requirements of the Washington Administrative Codes (WAC).

  • Fundraisers

    As part of a fundraiser WSU Departments and Student Organizations may sell merchandise within the Compton Union and on Glenn Terrell Mall provided the following:

    • The Department/Organization owns the merchandise prior to selling it (so as not to merely be fronting for a private/commercial business). For example, Krispy Kreme doughnuts or bake sale items are generally approved items.
    • Student Organizations must register their fundraising event with the Center for Student Organizations and Leadership
    • Any food or product distributed needs to be approved and should not compete with primary food or product provided by University Catering, Compton Union vendors, or vendors that have a contractual agreement with WSU.
    • Fundraiser must take place in conjunction with a CUB table or space reservation. All regulations regarding the use of tables apply, including sales may only occur within 3 feet of their table – groups may not solicit throughout the building.
  • Lost and Found

    All items left in meeting rooms will be brought to the lost and found located at the Information Desk. Items that exceed a value of $25 will be turned over to Public Safety, all other items will be removed after 30 days. Compton Union staff will tag the items with the date and location of where it was found.

  • Signage Policies

    Digital Signage

    Digital signage, located throughout the CUB, is a cost-effective, sustainable, and effective way to spread the word about your organization or event. 

    View the latest information about on-campus digital signage.

    Print Signage

    To protect the integrity of the Compton Union Building, policies are in place with regard to posting materials in and around the building. Multiple opportunities are available to your organization or department for effective promotion. Click here for a full list of print posting locations and related policies.